Give Thanks

I am thankful for our water heater because hot water is important to all of the ways we stay comfortable in our house, like radiant heat, I can take a warm shower, and wash dishes in hot water.
I am thankful for my bicycle because it helps me be healthier while having fun at the same time.
Marcia the Elder:
I am thankful for filtered water in the fridge door so that I can have clean cold drinking water anytime I need it, which helps me try to drink enough water each day.
I am thankful for stocking caps/hats because I am cold most of the time, and some of my migraines are triggered by my forehead being cooled down, so I wear them much of the time from fall through spring.
Marcia the Younger:
I am thankful for technology like computers and my camera because it helps us communicate with everybody.
I am thankful for a lot of blankets for my bed because they help me be warm and comfortable when I need to sleep, and when I sleep, and when I want to sleep.
I am thankful for life itself because if we didn’t have life how would we have a good life?
I am thankful for family because if you did not have family you wouldn’t have anybody to live with in your childhood.
I am thankful for pop because it tastes great and fizzes on my tongue.
I am thankful for ice to make the pop be less fizzy.
I am thankful for a real machine that gives life to everybody and that gives seat belts to every body…the machine that makes seat belts because seatbelst keep us safe and alive.
I’m also thankful for a machine that makes people, no I mean robots, robot chickens.

* Hinckley said the first two first, and then when we explained that we wanted actual things to “touch” he gave the second two.