Out of Sight Out of Mind

That is, until you have already arrived home and realize that you left the case of water on the bottom of the cart. I called the “mall” to let them know what I had done, they said no one had brought it in, but that I could bring the receipt in and they would take care of it. That was a nice move, especially since it was my fault. I drove right back across town and parked as close to the same location in hopes that perhaps I would see the same cart untouched (for the last half-hour or so). Wrong. Not a single cart at that return. And I did not see a single cart with a case of water in the stack the cart-collector had gathered. So someone got a free case of water, I hope they needed it. I went in and got a replacement case. Done. I do feel pretty dumb having driven across town to get that, after I was feeling pretty smug about using my cloth bags instead of plastic. Way to be green.

2 thoughts on “Out of Sight Out of Mind”

  1. the only time that being green makes sence is when you have eaten something that has gone bad. The rest is just a propaganda ploy to enslave those that work hard.

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