Pretty Snow

Early this morning I got up and went to the high school to help unload and sort the band fruit sales. I did this because I was asked, not because anyone sold us fruit. Because no one did sell us fruit. It appears that the band students always forget to ask the teachers to buy any.

This year I have decided to make many of the presents we are giving away for Christmas. I think this is a good idea. I have some special plans in place. So we went and got many of the supplies.

Also, I will be taking Rick and Ginny’s announcement photos, and because we don’t know what weather will be like on the day they come, I went around town looking for some pretty shots to use as backgrounds if we need them. I hope we don’t. Even though I can do some really cool photoshopping, the less of it to do, the better.

*I am writing this after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.