Bye Bye Birdie

The choir program went well.  I think there were plenty of voices and it sounded ok, if not pretty good.  However since I was a part of the choir, I am not really allowed to say how we sounded.

Also I was released as a Sunday School teacher today.  I will still teach next week, but that will be my last.  I will miss teaching the class, they are a good group.  I love them, and they have been great this last year.

After church I went over to Karen’s and helped her finish the DVDs and with Erin’s help they got all copied quickerly and have pretty labels.  Yay for team work.  Jacob did some tech support too in the project.

*I am writing this after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.