I Am Totally Writing This From My iPod

I came up to Ronda and Matt’s house so they could go have an Anniversary Date without the kids. This morning Matt, G1, and I had to run to the store, no Jacob, it was not wally world. While in the car:
G1- Hi momma
Me- Who are you talking to?
G1- Mommy
Me- Are you talking to her telepathically?
G1- Yes

So Ronda I hope you got the message this morning!

The Winds Of Change

We all know that I have long hair.  We also know I love long hair.  Some of us know that I stress the idea of cutting my hair.  Some of us know that I often “get really sad” after cutting my hair.  However winter is coming.  I hate winter.  I wish I liked autumn.  But I don’t.  Sure it is pretty with all the colorful leaves and the white snow that blankets the earth.  But it is cold, and often wet, and generally the wet is cold.  This leaves me with migraines.  And I do not enjoy them.  My hair (I bet you are all wondering how this relates?) does not cause the problem, but when I am suffering, my hair is heavy and hurts me more.  So, after the last couple weeks of unpleasantness, and almost chopping off my hair, myself, I have decided to get a cute cut.  I am not quite sure how I want to cut it exactly.  So I did some research and found some hair-styles.  I put them on my head, and I want to know what y’all think.

Multiple choice:







Who You Gonna Write

We do not subscribe to cable or dish.  We do our TV watching at other people’s houses or online.  One of the shows that we have come to love is The Big Bang Theory.  However, I (we) am upset with CBS at the moment.  All last season (and we waited patiently through the writers’ strike) CBS would post the full episodes about 2 hours after the show aired on TV.  This Monday was the premiere of the season.  They still have not put the episode online.  I am mad, I love the show, and I can’t watch it!  They taunt me by telling me I can watch the highlights of the show, as if that will quench my thirst for laughter.  WRONG!  I want to watch the episode and decide for myself what my favorite part of the show is/was.  So here I sit, frantically refreshing my browser window hoping that there just was some kind of technical failure and that any second now, they will allow me my humorous geek fix (since they certainly have not posted any news about not providing the episodes online-that I have seen, and if they do, I am sure I will cry).  Hopefully it will happen before I throw the computer out the window.

Arrr I Kick Me In The Seat Of Me Pants

Yesterday was “Talk Like a Pirate Day” and I missed out until 9:30 pm.  This makes me sad-ish.  I still had 2 hours to play. 

I bought pants onWednesday.  They fit nicely.  I decided I needed a second pair, as pants rarely fit me nicely.  I went back yesterday to get a pair.  The label looked exactly the same, when I got home to compare them.  I tried them on, the new ones didn’t fit so nicely.  Baffled, I looked at the tag again.  They looked identical, or so I thought.  The first pair was made in Pakistan.  The second pair was made in Egypt.  Apparently Egypt has smaller inches than Pakistan.  When holding them next to each other I see that there are two inches in difference.  I took the second pair back for the Pakistan made jeans.  I like my jeans loose.

Sun Rise & Spider

Yesterday morning as I was taking the trash to the “curb” I noticed it was very foggy out.  I looked up and this is what I saw:

  I love this.  So I took a minute and grabbed the camera for a few shots.

This morning Jacob and I had to take my car in for an alignment.  We walked laps around the town square for two miles, and walked a mile home*.  It was nice to have him walk with me, my normal walking buddy wasn’t there this morning.  We were talking about how the preschool is doing a unit on bugs and insects and spiders and such.  When we got home, Jacob was in the kitchen and told me he found something I can take to the preschool.  There was this giant spider!  It took a lot of convincing, but in the end he trapped it for me.  I am too short to reach the celing even with a chair.  It would not come out of the glass, so it will stay in there till I get it to the preschool (likely tomorrow).  Here are some pictures.

  The spider in his/her current home.

     The face. 

    The tookus.

     A side view. 

    One more.

Now, I do not know what kind this is, if any of you do know, we(I) would really be interested in knowing.  In any case s/he can’t eat my food now.

*What I am not telling you is that we stopped for a healthy breakfast on the way home.  It was good.

Interesting Name

The other day, I don’t remember which one, I was at the “mall” ( I am there waay too often). As I was walking down the isles, I heard a woman yelling at calling loudly to her child, I am guessing about 9 years old. Then finally she yelled out, “Chandler Bing get in the cart like a baby or stop it!” I have no idea what he was doing, but it seemed to make sense if he was acting like a baby, then have him sit in the cart like one. However the thing that really stood out to me, was the name. Perhaps that is just a “code” name they use in public…. In any case, I think my sister has competition for biggest fan of F•R•I•E•N•D•S.

Technology issues in the election

OK, I’m really going to try not to be political with this. It’s already pretty clear who we support in the upcoming election, but I thought putting together this list would be interesting.

The following is a list of four major technology-related issues that are important in the upcoming presidential election, and the candidates’ positions on them. I will say that I don’t agree 100% with either candidate here, and I’ll try to be as objective as possible in putting together this list. Here goes…

Net Neutrality

What it is: Currently, your internet service provider (ISP) is required to give all internet traffic equal treatment, whether you are looking at ebay, cnn.com, or jacobandmarcia.com. This basically ensures that you can get what you want, when you want it. Some ISPs have announced their intention to begin treating some traffic with greater priority than others. For example, yahoo.com might pay your ISP to give preferential treatment to them, which means that yahoo will work faster than google, or any other website that doesn’t pay for priority handling.

Barack Obama’s stance: Supports enacting a law to ensure a neutral internet

John McCain’s stance: Believes ISPs should be able to determine what content they deliver and how they deliver it

Intellectual Property Protection

What it is: Copyrights, patents, and all that stuff.

Obama: Wants to ensure that intellectual property (IP) is well protected both in the USA and internationally

McCain: Says government should handle blatant IP issues, but warns against “protectionism”

Broadband Availability

What is is: Helping as many people as possible have access to fast, always-on, internet connections.

Obama: Supports government involvement in getting broadband access for everyone. Also wants to change the legal definition of “broadband:” Currently the government defines broadband as 200kb/s or faster. Obama wants to raise that number so that it has to be faster to qualify as “broadband.” (For the sake of reference, at 200 kb/s, it will take about 3 minutes to download a typical pop music mp3).

McCain: Supports increased broadband access via competition between ISPs, instead of government intervention. No comment from McCain on the definition of “broadband.”

Internet and Telephone Privacy

What’s the big deal? The internet has created a whole new world of privacy issues: How long should a website that you buy something from keep your credit card number? How much personal information should myspace and facebook be allowed to publish to the masses? What about information about your children? Also, the national security climate has led to government agencies listening in on phone calls or monitoring internet use without a warrant (“warrantless wiretapping”). Many believe that this is unconstitutional, while others argue that it is not actually “search and seizure” as defined by the constitution. When the issue finally makes it to the supreme court, IF it is deemed to be unconstitutional, an interesting legal question arises as to the liability of the telephone companies and ISPs that participated in the wiretap.

Obama: Wants to increase the Federal Telecommunications Commission’s budget to give them more resources to track down cyber-criminals. Wants to update laws to ensure that information gathered for national security is properly used, and that all intelligence-gathering is done by completely legal means.

McCain: Supports retroactive immunity for companies that participated in warantless wiretapping. Believes the government should use all instruments of national power to fight the war against terrorists. Says that this must be done without “impinge[ing] on the rights of our own citizens or restrict[ing] their freedoms.”

As already stated, we’re supporting Obama this time around, but I tried to make this list as objective as possible and to not take anything out of context, giving each candidate a valid representation in terms of the technological issues that we currently face.

Without pushing my views on you, the only thing I’m going to encourage you to do is to make sure you’re registered to vote, and when the time comes, go out and vote!