I need a dress with a zipper

I am totally convinced that I must be a “trophy wife” because he certainly did not marry my for my mind.

Last night I had to run to the store to pick up some “stuff.”  I was really excited because the self-check-outs were open.  I then realized I was missing something.  Something important.  My wallet.

I really do think about using a purse.  I’m just not that kind of girl.  I don’t know quite what that means, but I know that if I used a purse, it would be harder to not have my wallet on me.

I am just glad I was never pulled over.  I certainly do not need a ticket for driving with out a license.

And then upon returning home for real, I closed the car door on my leg.

I’m going to go hang my head in shame now. Again.

On a great note, my blood pressure was 131/80 last night!  Much better than back in August, or was it September?

Three points to whomever can correctly identify the whole quote the title came from, and where I heard it.  Other than Jacob, and any one ought to be able to get it, it is not an inside joke, necessarily.


Jacob is totally in a band!

It is a pvc pipe band.

They are awesome.

For those of our friends and family wishing to see them perform, there are a couple shows that we know they can attend. Some may be close or not so close.  However they are open to those who show up.

Monday, April 6th Pipeline will be at the Galesburg Public Library.  They perform at 10am.

Thursday, April 9th Pipeline will be at the Parlin-Ingersoll Public Library in Canton.  They perform at 2pm.

Tuesday, April 14th Pipeline will be at the Jerseyville Public Library.  They perform at 7pm.

Saturday, April 18th Pipeline will be at the Burlington Public Library.  They will perform at 2pm.

Saturday, May 9th Pipeline will be at the Musser Public Library in Muscatine.  They will perform at 11am.

Monday, May 11th Pipeline will be at the Moline Public Library.  They will perform at 6:30pm.

Be sure to invite your friends and your childrens’ friends as a bigger audience makes for a more enjoyable show, at least Marcia thinks so.  Show up early enough to get a good seat.  We hope to see Many of you at one or some of these shows.

By the way DVDs of their last tour are for sale at each of the shows.  The cost of the DVD is $10 (USD). I know some of you have been wanting to know if this was available.

Dear Insurance Companies

Dear Insurance Companies,

If I wanted to talk to your salesman on the phone, I would have called you. Instead, I went looking for information online, because I wanted to get the information, you know, ONLINE.

Oh, and since you have my address along with my phone number, I would expect that you would figure out that your particular insurance company doesn’t insure ANYTHING in my area before you call me and try to sell me insurance I can’t possibly use.


It Is Still This Week

I know I said I would get a picture up of my hair this wek, so I am still safe.  I am again in Panera waiting to get on a train to head home now (we are in Chicago).  And this is a picture of my hair (me in the mirror at the hotel in Utah, so my hair kinda didn’t want to behave as well as I would have liked… not enough humidity in the air there.  I have used a ton of hand lotion trying to not crack my hands open.

My hair is pretty short now, but I like it.  Jacob does too, and if you ask him, that is what counts.  🙂

I Am Unable To Post The Answer From Last Month

Sorry about that.  I left it in my other computer.  Just so everyone knows, we were able to get a new car form the rental place, nicer, much NICER and at the same rate.  It has been a busy, busy month.  We were able to get to Kentucky for Megean and David’s wedding.  It was fun and busy.  Jacob ended up playing the piano for the ring ceremony.  Tomorrow will be one month of marriage for them, I hope they still like eachother 🙂  They are a cute couple and very photogenic.  Though I am not going to post pictures, I want them to be able to do that first.  We made it home safely and on the way we found a really cool outlet mall in Indiana.  We found tennis shoes that we have been looking for and like.  Right now we are sitting in a Panera waiting to go to the airport.  And we will be in SLC for the week!  We are alive, we are very busy.  as soon as we got back from Kentucky, we went to work, got sick (me from the preschool germs,a nd jacob from my germs from the preschool), we traveled all ovver the place, and we had both cars go very south on us, so we end up getting a new car.  Well, new to us, it is an old mssion car.  We both like it, which surprises both of us very much.  Life is good when we are working.  Oh, and I got my hair cut again.  Picture to come later, today or sometimethis week.  And some sort of a quiz, is forth comming too, you just can’t have the last one’s answer until we get back home.

Strike 2

“Borrowed”  wifi is cool, but we are stuck in Carthage, IL with a rental car with a faulty shifter.  A rental car that was supposed to take us to Kentucky tomorrow.

This is getting interesting.

In related news, we have crossed the Chevy Cobalt off of our list of “cars we might want to own someday.”


We’re back in Macomb now (about 3 hours later), and the car got towed.  We’ll resume this adventure tomorrow morning when the rental agency opens (which, incidentally, is exactly when we expected to be departing).

Megean: DON’T PANIC.  We will find a way to get there, one way or another.  We’ve even discussed buying a new car.

My First Icee

I had never had one of these (29 years old and never had one before!).  I met up with a friend who invited me to lunch.  I was not hungry, but I was thirsty, and had never had one, and saw the machine, and so I had to have one.  How is that for a run-on scentance?

So the camera decided to focus on the brick behind my head and I was not in the mood to keep taking pictures, so this is what you get.  Me “enjoying” my first (and probably last) Icee.  Unless I find myself in urgent need of sugar without caring how it tastes.  And you can sort of see my cute haircut, one side of my head anyway.

We got gas

A few years ago, when gas prices crossed $2.00/gallon, I decided that gas cost too much and I was going to save money by buying a bike and riding it to school and for other transportation around town.  Of course, I discovered that I really enjoyed riding the bike, and became a pretty hardcore cycling enthusiast.  I bought a nice racing bike, have discovered the wonders of spandex cycling shorts, and have legs that are disproportionately strong when compared to the rest of my body.

But I digress… The point is that yesterday, more than 3 years after $2.00 gas prices prompted me to make a major lifestyle change, we filled up our cars for $1.93/gallon, a price unseen since early 2005.

Here’s how:

We have a local grocery store that has an associated gas station.  If you buy items at the grocery store, you get a discount on fuel from the gas station.  The discount is progressive – spend up to $50, get 3 cents off; up to $75, get 5 cents off; up to $100, get 8 cents off; and if you spend more than $100 at the grocery store, you get 12 cents off of each gallon of gas.

What enables this whole plan is that the grocery store’s customer service counter will accept payments for our gas/electric company.  So yesterday, we went to the grocery store, paid our utility bill (which was well over $100), and got our reciept, complete with 12 cent gas discount.

Gas prices have fallen pretty dramatically over the last few week.  The going rate for the cheap stuff in town was $2.05/gallon yesterday.  $2.05 – 12 cents is $1.93!

So we, filled up both cars for under $2.00/gallon.

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

I did it.  Yesterday.  Can you believe I cut off a foot of my hair (well, Betsy actually cut it), and I haven’t cried yet.  I really do like it.  I think it is cute, and while it is odd to have my hair so short, I am not having second thoughts.  Here are pictures of the haircut.

That is a lot of hair!

Back view

First cut

The foot of hair

The votes are in and the popular vote says either hair C or F.  I think there was one more person who said C than F.  However, I love F.  I have since the first time I saw it placed on my head.  That is what I went with.  I hope you like it, if not, too late, it is done.  Also, if you don’t like it, please pretend to.


Flipped out

I did not color it.  I would love to color it bright red, perhaps some day.  The coloring is off because I took this under bathroom lights.  But you get the idea.