2010 Year in Review

Tonight, as we bid farewell to 2010, we reflect on some of the things that have happened this year. In hindsight, it’s been a very big year for us, with a lot of big, big changes. Here’s our list of accomplishments for 2010:

  • In January, Jacob went back to school to work on getting a Masters degree in Computer Science.
  • On one saturday in April, we got an iPad and learned that we were going to become parents (OK, so getting an iPad isn’t really a huge accomplishment, but it WAS an exciting day, and helped us launch a new business).
  • On June 14, we closed on the purchase of a house that had been trying to sell itself to us for two years, and on the same day started telling people that Marcia was pregnant.
  • On December 3, Marcia completed her mitosis and now we have two Marcias.
  • 2 weeks later, Jacob finished his second semester of graduate school (with a 4.0 GPA, which I’m quite proud of).
  • This morning, December 31, we read the Second Epistle of John, which was 373 consecutive days of reading scriptures together. 2010 was the first year in which we read together every day.
  • Also as of December 31, we have kept the smaller Marcia alive for 4 whole weeks, which is longer than any plant (and most fish) we’ve ever owned. The original Marcia is still alive and happy as well.

2010 Was very good to us, and we’re excited to see what 2011 brings. Happy New Year!

We are so excited

So, yesterday was a big day for us.  We were able to secure more “stuff” aka paperwork, exchange money for goods, etc. in order to be able to own a mortgage.  Yay for us!

We (Jacob joined mee last night) went to Wally World again and obtained two more carts full of boxes.  We went some time after midnight, and the really good boxes appear for availability around 1a.m. (so I guess it could be considered this morning).

We have been married for just over three and a half years, and have many times tried to set a scripture study habit.  We have tried to read from front to back, to have a different topic each day of the week, to do some other things that did not prove to be keep-ables.  However yesterday, we finished reading the Book of Mormon, in its entirety, together!!!  The strategy this time, was that I wrote (actually I typed it on the computer and printed it out) each chapter and had them in a jar, that we have been drawing at random for each day, sometimes more than one chapter if it happens to be quite short.  Honestly, it has been very fun to go about it this way.  We already have studied all the stories in there through out our lives, and so as we have been reading this way we end up jumping all over the place.  This keeps all the stories fresher in our minds.  And as an added bonus, we had the privilege a few weeks ago to attend the annual Seminary Vs Bishopric Scripture Bowl.  There is a Jeopardy style portion and a match the scripture with the content portion (for the first time in 10 or so years, the bishopric beat the youth in the jeopardy portion, though they youth won big time with the memory portion).  Anydangways, the point of telling about that event is that as we watched them, it seemed as though we had “just read that story” about each of the stories!  It was a really nice feeling.

And totally not from yesterday, but a few weeks ago…. A bit of back story.  We have two cars.  We only drive one car.  We have had the other car on the donut for a number of months, because we needed to buy a new tire.  Then another tire when flat.  And the battery probably needs replacing.  And some other thing that makes us “afraid” to drive it out of town, or over 35-40 mph else-ways a couple wheels may fall off.  So, it is sitting on the donut, and the wheel with the flat tire that needs replacing, has been leaning upside the porch.  One day I went out to do something, and noticed that it was gone, and there was no plant life growing in its place just yet, so it was a fresh disappearance.  This morning I wanted to use my hand trowel thing, and it was no where to be seen.  I had suspected it missing when the wheel went, though I did not look for it until today when I wanted to use it.  Now we are left with two questions: How do we (or even just “do we”) buy a new wheel? and Who steals a wheel and a trowel?  All I can figure is that some one must have had a greater need for it than us.  And If you see a new plant display in a Honda wheel…well, if I see one, I will laugh.  I think we have been laughing about it too much to find a way to be upset over it.