Happy Two Years Two Us

I had two work at the preschool twoday.  It was fun.  Maybe twomorrow I will be up two telling stories.  Twoday Jacob surprised me by showing up with a dozen pretty pink roses.  Making all the Girls that work there say, “Aawww!”  I was impressed two.

We went out two eat.  We had not tried the restaurant yet, and had heard mixed reviews.  It was ok.  I have leftovers two eat later or for dinner twomorrow.  And two commemorate the day we took a picture of ourselves.  I love you!

If we can manage it, this picture intends two make it intwo the rotation in the poloroid frame.

Oh, and we voted, though Jacob did not get a sticker.

7 thoughts on “Happy Two Years Two Us”

  1. Congratulations!! Twosday really was a twosday!!! Twomorrow is my 9th anniversay. Did you know that you were twosdays away from me when you picked your date?

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