He had horses

As an innkeeper for a Bed & Breakfast, I don’t get time for myself, unless I have a night with no guests. When that does happen, I acutally get a few hours for myself that next morning. When I have a free morning, I like to get on my bike and ride around this small town packed full of history.

In Nauvoo there are horse wagon rides that give tours of the town. I was out riding this morning before the wagon rides began and saw some horses waiting by the wagon. So, I stopped to see them. The men with the horses told me the horses names are Randy and Ben and that I am allowed to pet them. They were so gentle, and had beautiful eyes. It is no wonder to me that my Grandpa Lern Prickett loved them.

I began thinking how I last saw him November of 2000, right before I got on a plane. He passed away the following June, while I was on an LDS mission. I love my Grandpa and do miss him, but I know that he is still my grandpa, and will be forever.