One Thing Mondays Are Good For

We were planning on doing our Christmas shopping tomorrow, but then we looked at the weather forecast and decided that today would be much better for the trip.  So we went to town**.  We got almost all the shopping done, and I think we even came in under our self-imposed budget.  Yay us!  The bad weather was supposed to start this evening and wouldn’t you know it, just as we pulled onto our street the sprinkle drops began.  We made it home before it got bad.

From this trip we realized that shopping with a list is good***, shopping 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule you will more than likely find what you are looking for, and going on a Monday or Tuesday will provide less crowded stores, and much more courteous fellow shoppers.

*I am writing this after the fact as though it is current, and pre-dating my post. As it is my site, I reserve the right to do so.


***Not just the names, but what you want to get each person too