Other than everything, things have been going okay for the most part

Funny story, I have been keeping boiled eggs in the fridge.  Okay, so that was not so funny.  I keep them so that we can have a quick breakfast protein or cut some up for a quick chicken salad, or to add to a green salad…you get the idea.  This week one of the eggs I ate came out of the shell very easily.  The shell split in two clean halves.  I know I am one of the few that would take a picture of it, but I thought it was cool.

This morning Mar©ia picked out her clothes.  She got distracted after getting her socks and before putting them on, by the walker.  She asked to sit in it.  I think she thought she would put her socks on while sitting in that seat.  At first she was pleased that I let her try.  Then she realized she cannot reach her feet in it, and complained.  She did try to make the most of the experience by playing with the attached toys, though she was still not happy with the arrangement.


She found a sweater and asked to wear it, so I let her put it on.  Then she went and got two shoes, one left (white) and one right (black).  I figured it does not hurt anything so I let her do it.  Then she asked to go for a walk.  This is her new favorite object that is not a toy, a stroller we got from a yard sale for $5.

I guess I wore her out.  We walked past a koi pond at a nursing home-she likes to look at them and sign “fish” as she watches them swim around,  we saw lots of dogs and a couple babies, we took a stroll through the pet store so she could see animals-I want to make that a regular part of our walks (she liked the bunnies and the birds, the small dogs in cages confused her,  she liked to see the fish too, but the birds and bunnies were the big hit this time), and we got to see a friend out cutting flowers in her garden.

One thought on “Other than everything, things have been going okay for the most part”

  1. I’ll let you crack my eggs for me, I used to be able to but not anymore. I like the outfit!

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