A late-night run in with the police

Last friday night was one of the most beautiful clear nights we’ve had in a very long time. It was the perfect night to take our telescope out to a favorite stargazing spot, a cemetery about 7 miles south of town, and look at things like the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, the Mizar binary star, Owl Nebula, etc… Jupiter was particularly brilliant that night – we could even make out 3 of the 4 Gallilean moons with just a pair of inexpensive binoculars.

As I was hunting for the owl nebula, which is just northeast of the northernmost corner of the big dipper, I suddenly found that my night vision was gone. I couldn’t see anything. Taking my eye away from the eyepiece, I found that Marcia was waving at a pair of very bright headlights coming up the access road into the cemetery.

Great. Visitors. After midnight. Marcia wasn’t sure whether the people saw us, which is why she was waving to make sure we didn’t get run over. That’s when the red and blues flashed for just a second, and I realized it was a police officer. From the Sheriff’s department, to be exact.

I approached the car from the front, making sure they could see my hands (but without raising my hands like some sort of criminal – I would have just felt dumb). Officer Carlson introduced himself and asked what we were doing. Marcia said that we were doing some stargazing, and the officer noted that it was a perfect night for it. He asked “are you aware that cemeteries close at dark?”

Honestly, “no, I didn’t know that.”

He explained that the main concern is people coming and getting drunk or high or other things, as cemeteries do tend to be secluded (which is why it was perfect for astronomy – no bright lights nearby to ruin the view), and that since it was obvious that we weren’t doing any of things, he wasn’t going to give us any trouble.


Perhaps out of gratitude for not arresting us, or wanting to prove that were indeed just a couple of geeks staring at the sky, or just because I was really excited to share what I was seeing, I asked if the officers wanted to take a look. “Have you ever seen the moons of Jupiter?” Officer Carlson accepted my offer, and they got out of the car.

As I fumbled for a flashlight, since my night vision was ruined by their very bright headlights, I heard a clanging sound. I turned around with the flashlight to discover that the other officer had gotten out of the car and walked right into a fence.

And he had his own flashlight.

I wanted to show them Saturn, as that’s probably the most visually impressive thing in the sky these days, even if it does appear significantly smaller than Jupiter through the telescope. But Saturn had already set, so Jupiter would have to do. I trained the telescope on Jupiter, got the magnification up as high as I could and still allow it to be focused, and let the officers take a look. Officer Carlson was genuinely interested and taken by the beautiful image of the huge planet. I don’t think his partner (who we later discovered was an intern and had had a class with Marcia’s brother who also studied law enforcement recently) was as impressed.

We talked a little more about astronomy and I pointed out a couple of interesting things that most people don’t know about the stars, and then the officers thanked us, we all shook hands, and they went on their way. I must say that this was by far the most pleasant run-in I have ever had with an [on-duty] police officer.

(Ok, there was the one time when we were walking around a used car lot at night looking at cars, and found one with the window rolled down and a storm was approaching. A police officer happened through the lot as part of his evening rounds, and we flagged him down to tell him about the window and see if he had any way of contacting the dealership owners so they could save their car. As I walked up to the window of the police cruiser, I joked that I liked being on that side of the window MUCH better. The officer wasn’t very amused, but I still think it was funny.)

Unfortunately, we try our best to be law-abiding citizens (speed limits notwithstanding), so we probably won’t be going back into the cemetery after dark. We’re going to have to find a new stargazing location, and that cemetery is going to be hard to beat.

Quiz Time

This is a piece of a bigger picture. I welcome one and all to guess at what it is. In one week I’ll give the answer, and post a new one. Good luck and may the guessing begin.

Esta es una parte de la foto grande. Hay que adivinar lo que es.  En una semana regreso con la respuesta y otra foto.  ¡Suerte!

The Boldness of Some People’s Children

Yesterday we took a trip “to town.” For those of you who are wondering, I do not mean Wal-Mart, I mean Springfield. We went to Best Buy, looked around and realized that we still didn’t find anything to waste our hard earned money on, so we left. As we waited along the side walk for the rest of our group to emerge from the store, we saw this couple walk out. That is a normal occurance, however the woman was walking (or should I say waddling) funny. My first thought was that she had knee problems, as she couldn’t seem to bend her legs. She took a few more steps and suddenly it was obvious what the problem was. Under her long full skirt hem appeared a box, about the size of a DVD player box. She was in broad daylight stealing from the store. My father-in-law went in to tell the store security guy what we witnessed, and the guy wouldn’t believe him.

On the 4th of this month (a Friday) I went over to my friend Heather’s house to help her set up for a garage sale. The sale was advertised to start at 4pm. At noon we had barely set the tables up and were just beginning to bring things out of her house. Our other friends, Chris and Margaret, were there dropping things off and had their van in the driveway. At the moment Chris and Margaret were getting ready to leave, two older ladies pulled up in front of the driveway and blocked them in, got out of the car and started “garage saleing.” We told them that we didn’t have much of our stuff out and that it didn’t start till 4 anyhow, but they continued shopping. One of the things we DID have out was a mouse pad that I had been given for free 10 years ago, as a joke I priced it at “3¢ OBO” and other free things of little or no value to us. These two women took the free stuff leaving only a few things behind AND they took the 3¢ OBO mouse pad. Normally we would have waived the fee, say if they had arrived after the starting hour…. But because they came 4 hours early and blocked in our friend’s van, we made them pay the 3¢. (This gets even better.) Heather had to step in to get change for the woman; while she was inside I was in the garage holding Logan and watching the woman continue to look, had I not been out there she would have walked off with more things, she kept looking at her bag and had her hands on a photo album and looking at me to see if she could sneak it. All the while blocking Chris and Margaret in.

I just can’t believe it! And my eyes saw it!

The Answer is…

  My ceiling.
Good job everyone!

Last week was a long week, and I failed to post a new quiz.  However it did give more people the chance to guess at it.  So, it worked out okay.