She Is My Husband

I was working at the preschool again today. Being Friday, it is share-day.

Girl T-age 3: I don’t have anything to share!

Mr S: I don’t either (in a whiny voice)

T: I want to share my Elmo

S: What should you do then?


5 or 6 kids: Go get it!

Boy J-age 4: (holding a Tide-to-go pen) For when you get messy.

Girl E-age 3: This is a volleyball from Cassie.

Mr S: Who is Cassie?

E: She is in the picture

Miss L: Is she your cousin?

E: She is my husband.

Boy S-age 4: Shared the sweater he was wearing as a mystery item and had the class guess what it is.

After coming in from outside, all the kids were talking about getting married. I do not think that word means what they think it means.

Boy S: I’m gonna marry Girl S.

Girl S-age 5: And I’m gonna marry Boy J and Girl R.

Girl R-age 4: Boy J is gonna marry me.

Girl H-age 4: I’m gonna marry Girl S and Girl T.

Girl A-almost 3: I’m gonna marry Girl H.

Over snack Boy S asked Boy L, “L, may I marry you when I’m big?” While yes, he did say “may” and understands English very well (his family speaks a different language at home, however they study English too), I reserve the right to believe he doesn’t quite get what it means to get married.