Can you believe it?

34 weeks down

2010 10 26 belly shot a

Only six to go?

2010 10 26 belly shot b

I can’t hardly believe that there are only six more weeks of this.  While it will be nice to have my baby in my arms, I think I will miss the fun stuff that comes with the baby being inside….

I have been busy sewing, and other stuff too, but there has been a good amount of sewing.  Lucky mee, I have pregnancy carpel tunnel syndrome-that they assure mee will end when baby comes out.  For now I wear wrist braces, and it makes it much more bearable.  I have been sewing blankets/quilts, some clothing projects, and I made major progress on my Halloween costume.  Pictures will come later.

And the white ghosts on my pants glow in the dark!

6 thoughts on “Can you believe it?”

  1. Well, we are getting excited for you guys. I saw the pictures, and was wondering what you did to your wrists, I got worried at first that you had fallen or something. All that sewing and stuff do it to yoo?? Or is it just a weird thing our/”your” bodies do to us to slow us down while pregnant? You should take it easy.
    p.s. I’m sure Jacob enjoys the ghosts.

  2. Oh my goodness! You look great and I can’t believe it is coming up so fast. Seems like just yesterday we got out little copyright card in the mail. I can’t wait to come visit you three next year!

  3. Marcia, you look great! I especially like the 2nd pic 🙂 I can’t believe it’s “only” 6 more weeks… they will fly. Sorry about the carpal tunnel syndrome. Tara got it, too, and it did indeed go away. I wanna see pics of your creations! haha… that includes Copyright, though I’m willing to wait till the big debut for those (as if there’s a choice!) The other pics better show up sooner… I love seeing the stuff people make, especially just before a baby arrives!

  4. You look so cute, although you always have. I love the idea of glow in the dark ghosts. Will you wear them while you are in labor if it is at night and you can turn of the lights and the nurses and doctor can see by the light of the glow? Wouldn’t that be fun?

  5. I was right….pregnancy induced carpel tunnel…..what a joy to get to wear those braces!!! I had it by about 4 months along and had to wear them forever!!! It did magically go away while in the hospital! Delivery day was the last day I wore the braces.

  6. That is comforting to know. The doctor said it would go away when the baby comes, but being male, he never had felt it. So it is good to hear of others that really had the magic of it leaving!

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