A Bit of Levity

For Christmas we enjoy when we get MAD LIBS books. I got one with presidential stories, and I asked the children to fill in the blanks.

Title:  So, you want to be president?

Do you dream of becoming the next house of the United States?  You’ll probably want to start with a cute position, like a councilperson or mayor of Grandma’s house.  Then you could become a state representative or an orthodontist in order to cut your legislative brain cells!  Just make sure you don’t support any scrumdiddlyumptious bills or controversial chandeliers.  When in doubt, always side with the everyday sun in the sky.  Be sure to keep your earlobe clean and stay free of bright scandals, which will be sure to surface during your campaign.  Everything you’ve ever said or shreiked will come to light.  Finally, learn to smile and wave adorably.  You’ll be shaking a lot of pupils and decorating a lot of babies on the campaign trail!  Or you could always start as a Neon Tetra on TV!

Do you dream of becoming the next booger of the United States?  You’ll probably want to start with a lumpy position, like a councilperson or mayor of the water park.  Then you could become a state representative or a plumber in order to cut your legislative hairs!  Just make sure you don’t support any cool bills or controversial clocks.  When in doubt, always side with the everyday mom.  Be sure to keep your nose clean and stay free of cold scandals, which will be sure to surface during your campaign.  Everything you’ve ever said or ran will come to light.  Finally, learn to smile and wave funnily.  You’ll be shaking a lot of eyes and walking a lot of babies on the campaign trail!  Or you could always start as a sneeze on TV!

Do you dream of becoming the next caterpillar of the United States?  You’ll probably want to start with a triangular position, like a councilperson or mayor of the restaurant.  Then you could become a state representative or be a doctor in order to cut your legislative ears!  Just make sure you don’t support any slimey bills or controversial LEGOs.  When in doubt, always side with the everyday doctor.  Be sure to keep your leg clean and stay free of scandals made of bugs, which will be sure to surface during your campaign.  Everything you’ve ever said or rubbed will come to light.  Finally, learn to smile and wave apologetically.  You’ll be shaking a lot of eyes and looking at a lot of babies on the campaign trail!  Or you could always start as a letter “O” on TV!

The Nativity, According to a 3-Year-Old

For Family Home Evening last night, we talked about Christmas and the birth of Jesus. We (mostly the three-year-old) made a nativity from a sticker kit that she had gotten in nursery at church. Here’s the result:


A few of my favorite points:

  • Flying sheep
  • The manger is upside-down “to keep the baby warm under it”
  • Two cows riding a camel
  • One angel is flying, and the other is laying down on the roof

And last, but not least, according to the 3-year-old…

  • Baby Jesus is breastfeeding

Merry Christmas!