Our Belated Honeymoon Notable Pictures

<-- This is a really cool shot I took standing at the base of the St. Louis Arch. Then I turned the lens straight across to the other base for this shot.–>
That was our first night.

The next day we went to Union Station to watch the Fudgery Show. Amazingly we escaped the mall with little money spent, we did buy a really cool tie for Jacob.

Day three we went to the Science Center and unfortunately for us, most of the cool things were closed for repairs/remodeling. However there was a cool room that made Jacob look really small and myself really tall.

On day four we went to the zoo. No entrance fee, and we got there early enought to get free parking!!! We stayed till closing time and loved the 78 degree November day. I have already posted the funny video from the Ape House, but right before the woman said that, she and her 3 friends had just walked into the room.
<-- This silverback saw them and as soon as they stepped close to the glass, he lunged at them and stopped just short of hitting the window. They screamed and we all had a great laugh. The best part of it was the look he gave them.
We were walking and enjoying the animals and for a short time it was cool to think about Erin in Africa and how she got to see a giraffe up close when we have to stay so far from the animals. I think this is a really pretty creature.

Fifth day we went to the City Museum. In theory it is pretty cool, in reality too. Except for the fact that I am grossed out by dirty things…. It is a maze made of recyled objects, some is art-like and others just play equipment. I am sure that they clean it well, but because I know it is old “trash” it kind of creeps me out. That evening we saw Spam-A-Lot. That was a really cool show. Thanks DC for reccommending it.

We decided to extend our stay one more night and had a relaxing trip home on day six.

For the last time

Last night when all was said and done, I went home alone… for the last time.

I slept in a bed by myself… for the last time.

I woke up alone… for the last time.

I wandered around the apartment half asleep and all by myself… for the last time.

And now I’m sitting here, alone, about 10 minutes from leaving for Nauvoo.  When I get back, I’ll be the proud husband of a wonderful wife.

So, this post is my eulogy and lament for the end of single life, which I absolutely enjoyed and encourage all and sundry to enjoy without reservation.  However, at the same time, this is the beginning of an exciting new adventure in my life, which is no longer just mine, it is ours.  Hers and mine. Us.  We.  Together.  Forever.
There is no one else in the world that could convince me to give up being single, but with her, I believe that being married will be even better.

And she’s worth it.

¡Felliz diesiochera!

Today is the Chilean Independance day! How I wish I could go back for the festivities. Good food and great friends.

5 years ago I spent this day in the community of San Miguel of Santiago. Here is a picture of that day at a church party, one of 6 ladies dressed to dance the cueca – traditional chilean dance (my favorite one was called Me Voy), and yours truly dressed in traditional goucha wear.

Diesiochera 2001 Cueca Dancers Marcia dressed as a goucha

He had horses

As an innkeeper for a Bed & Breakfast, I don’t get time for myself, unless I have a night with no guests. When that does happen, I acutally get a few hours for myself that next morning. When I have a free morning, I like to get on my bike and ride around this small town packed full of history.

In Nauvoo there are horse wagon rides that give tours of the town. I was out riding this morning before the wagon rides began and saw some horses waiting by the wagon. So, I stopped to see them. The men with the horses told me the horses names are Randy and Ben and that I am allowed to pet them. They were so gentle, and had beautiful eyes. It is no wonder to me that my Grandpa Lern Prickett loved them.

I began thinking how I last saw him November of 2000, right before I got on a plane. He passed away the following June, while I was on an LDS mission. I love my Grandpa and do miss him, but I know that he is still my grandpa, and will be forever.

Where were you?

11 September 2001 started like any other day for me. Well, kind of, I was serving a mission in the wonderful country of Chile, in the city of Santiago.

Through out the week I was given a brief lesson on the history of Chile. The 11th of September is the anniversary of the coup d’etat of the Chilean government. With this anniversary there had always been riots and fires in the streets, and a general lack of safety. So I was warned that I would most likely not be allowed outside in the evening.

That morning, I got out of bed, showered, ate breakfast, and studied a bit before heading to a zone class with about 12-15 other missionaries, North-Americans as well as Latin-Americans. The class was really just a time to meet and touch bases and see if we could offer help to each other. This day we were also to find out if we would be allowed to be out in the evening.

Because we try to help each other out, we like to share animo-funny stories (ex: how a dog bit us or how we said the wrong word in Spanish) to help lift our spirits. I really don’t remember my animo for the day, but there were two companionships of Latin-Americans that talked about how there was a movie with life-like graphics. One companionship had seen, on a TV monitor they passed that morning, a plane fly into one of the Towers. The other companionship had seen a plane fly into the Pentagon. The rest of us had not heard or seen anything else, so we figured it must have been a movie and continued with our meeting.

We were preparing to break into smaller groups (districts) when a Police officer entered the church building where we were meeting. That is when we started to realize that something was wrong. The officer told us that he realized that most of us were North-Americans and told us that there had been an attack on our country. He told us that we needed to leave the building, and head to our homes and await instructions from our leaders. He told us that we needed to keep our heads covered and if we see anything suspicious like a package or a stray backpack to call the police right away. So, we ended our class early and headed to our apartments.

My companion, Hermana Davis, and I had a lunch appointment that we needed to cancel. We knew that the house was on our way to the apartment so we knocked on the door to let the lady know we would not be able to return in an hour for lunch as we have been told to go home and stay there. We were told that the food was ready and that we could eat it right away if we entered. We entered and told her that we could only stay a short while as the two other people we lived with would start to worry about us. Well, lunch was not ready, in fact it was barely started. But we were not allowed to leave her house, and she had the television on and the volume up all the way so she could listen to it from the kitchen. We asked her if we could turn the TV off or at least down if we had to stay. She said “No,” and so we heard all the commentary in English, and then translated into Spanish, making it impossible to ignore what was being said. The images that I saw on that screen will probably never be erased from my mind.

Finally she gave us food, we ate quickly and headed strait home where our roommates were starting to worry. We were in for the day. And it wasn’t even noon yet. We weren’t prepared to be in all day and didn’t have food for the evening, so we called our leaders and asked if we could go half a block to the store and get bread and cheese. After a few minutes we were told that we could go if we put on pants (not skirts), wore hooded sweatshirts and kept our heads covered, and went strait there and back. Our roommates were told that if we did not return in 5 minutes they were to call them back. We went, and made it back with out trouble.

Really, I know that I did not know the gravity of the situation. It was not until I returned to the U.S.A. that I realized what changes were in store for our lives. Flying was no longer an adventure, but it became a long line of torturing our feet and watching everyone’s luggage be stopped on the x-ray machines.

So five years ago I knew the day would be different from any other I had yet experienced, I just didn’t know how different it would be. Then it was hard to take-in because I was so far away, and now I am here and I can do my part to help the American-way-of-life be better by just being the best Marcia I can be. That is my Challenge to everyone everywhere, to be the best you that you can be and make your community a better place just for having you there.